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SRS International School

SRS International School


The students will be prepared for the CBSE BOARD / UP BOARD EXAMINATION conducted by CBSE Board / Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad, Prayagraj.  

The school amalgamates and imbibes the rich Indian traditional and scientific modern system of education in its curriculum, under the 10+2 scheme of The Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi in all the streams along with Vocational subjects.

Teaching Methods & Staff

According to Dr. Howard Gardner there are eight multiple intelligences in people. The aim of the teaching is to explore and groom the latent intlligence of every child. The quaility of learning depends very much on the pedagogical innovations depending upon the need of every child as it varies from one child to another.All the children are exposed to Experiential learning where they learn by doing themselves To achive such methodological aims the school has a team of well qualified staff members . The teachers development and training is done to update their knowledge from time to time.

Introducing Foreign Language

with Indian companies emerging as global players and Indian market being eyed by multinational companies, it becomes essential that there is no dearth of professionals who can overcome language barriers and facilitate smooth communication for proper business transactions. The school plans to intrduce one foreign language as third language as part of its curriculum for the students who opt for the same.

Co-curricular Activities

In order to ensure the development of personality of the students , they will engage themselves in a wide varity of co-curricular activites. Co-curricular activites are meant to bring social skills, intellectual skills, moral values, personality progress and character appeal in students. It includes sports and games, cultural events, library activites, lab acitivites, creative arts and meditation, volunteer work and community services, the student newspaper etc. There are inter-class and inter-school competitions held in the school at regular intervals. The students are also encouraged to participate in competitions held in other schools.

Counseling and Career Guidance

The school has a counseling center managed by qualified personnel. Students of the senior classes are offered career information, counseling and guidance based on scientifically structured aptitude tests. Children of the lower classes receive appropriate counseling and guidance to develop their learning skills.

Medical Facilities

SHARP “School health annual report programme” facilities to monitor better regime for its students, through periodical medical checkup. The school has a well maintained First Aid room under the qualified staff. On call Doctor facility in case of any emergency is available in school. The annual Health-Report card of every child is maintained in the school.

Parent-Teacher Meet

The development of child is a joint venture between the parents and the teachers. The parents are expected to come and discuss about their wards with the teachers on the Open Day as per the School Almanac. The Open Day enables a Parent and a teacher to a meticulous, free and frank discussion regarding the child’s academic achievement, physical growth, emotional stability, psychological behavior and many other related areas influencing the child’s total personality development.